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BUY the E-book: Secrets to staying fit & loving life

Monica's expertise in fitness comes from years of hard work and dedication, which have catapulted her to the top of the fitness industry.
In her book, Secrets to Staying Fit and Loving Life, she shares the real-life concerns and challenges of women, providing an approachable yet super-effective method of shaping the body through exercise and nutrition.

It provides several training programs for different goals and timeframes, from quick circuit workouts to intensive muscle-building regimens with photos to guide you along.

The e-book also includes a simple guide to nutrition, with meal ideas and recipes, and is packed from beginning to end with tips on self-motivation. 
Originally published in 2005, it's based on timeless principles that always work to help you stay fit and love life.

After you make your purchase, you'll be directed to the page where you can download your e-book and start reading right away.

Buy now for 9.99